Friday, June 1

Big ship. Little teacup.

It turns out Halifax doesn't have many distinctive landmarks or attractions. That limits my options for a memorable photo of my little tea cup in the city. I really wanted a sailor. I'd seen them walking around in their little uniforms. How funny would it have been to get a picture of them holding my lovely little cup? But I never had it with me when I saw one.

So finally I settled on the next best thing: one of the Navy ships. The ships are quite a sight in the harbour.

I couldn't get very close, but that's probably a good thing. Small teacup. Big ship. It wouldn't have worked well. It was either this or sneaking it into the shipwrecked china display at the Maritime Museum. But I don't want to lead my teacup astray now...


  1. Ohhh Halifax...

    I have not been there on this trip but visited several times before with work. Did you go out at all? I've found most of the people there to be incredibly friendly.

  2. It was a nice city, but I would have loved better weather. I went out for a couple of drinks. I really liked the Economy Shoe Shop. It's pub, well actually three pubs made into one. Very cool. And yes, the people were lovely Actually, I can say that about nearly every place I visited in Canda. Sad to be leaving :(
