Tuesday, October 4

when did sweet get so sour?

The fudge brownies look good don't they? Could you resist them if you saw them everyday, and as part of your job were allowed to eat a treat a day? These aren't even the ones I have to look at. The brownies at SGTC are delectable. The ones in the picture barely have any resemblance and I still want to eat one.

The temptation that comes with working in a cafe that sells some of the most delicious food I've ever come across (and I say this after spending a month in France and its patisseries) is immense. At first I indulged in the name of research. I should know what I'm selling right? Then it became hard to resist them because I found out how good they were. But a few weeks in and I noticed my heart was racing sometimes after I had a dessert...or anything with sugar. My skin wasn't looking great. And I was a little pudgy around the edges. It was time to make a call. Less sugar. I was going to be no-more sugar, but I need to keep things realistic.

So a few days ago I started cutting back. Some people prefer a gradual approach but I find that never works because there's too much room for negotiation with ones self. So instead I went in tough. No sugar in my tea, not even a bit of honey in my herbal teas. No more treats at work. No salad dressing. No juice. I even started to watch a documentary about how bad sugar is for the body for motivation.

I'm about five days in. It seems too early notice any radical changes. Today was particularly bad for cravings so a nice fresh piece of corn had to do for some sweetness. I'm not out to achieve anything in particular except to make me more aware of how much sugar I consume. It really is in everything. I considered putting a bit of BBQ sauce with dinner. Nope. 16g per two teaspoons. Even my milk, because it's low fat, is loaded with sugar. I haven't come up with an alternative to that yet and not sure I will.

So far my mission is doing its job. I no longer scoff any of the dessert cut-offs the kitchen staff leave out for the servers. I'm not relying on sweet pick-me-ups to get me through the day either. I shall report back.

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