Tuesday, May 15

Best lunch spot in Jasper

This is where I had lunch yesterday. Gorgeous huh?

While hiking in Jasper is the thing to do, you have to be smart about it, and heading into the trails alone (especially when you're young, female, and not from the area) isn't always wise. Keeping that in mind, my destination was a close and solo-walker-friendly route to Old Fort Point. The walk there is open, follows the highway for a bit, has quite a few people on it, and isn't far from town. It took about one hour from the town to walk along the Athabasca River, pass a couple of long-horned sheep, and climb up to Old Fort Point.

Old Fort Point is also one of the best spots for a great view over the town so I packed a little sandwich and some snacks. The weather again turned out to be pretty special so once I reached the top I needed to lose some layers, pull off my boots and cool down. I stretched out on the grass/stone, avoiding sheep droppings, and looked around. Snow-capped mountains in every direction. A river running to one side. A rich, blue lake to another. Varying shades of green spreading out through the valley. All of this just a little stroll from town.

Travelling in the shoulder season is coming with quite a few benefits - not least the lack of people at the popular attractions. I had Old Fort Point and its spectacular view to myself for most of the time I was there.

Jasper is in the middle of the Jasper National Park so wildlife are common. Despite the traffic and people around Old Fort Point, there were plenty of long-horned sheep, unfazed by curious tourists. A rather calm elk also made his way through the car park as I left. I overheard a guide tell his group to avoid female elk (they don't have antlers) at this time of year. About five minutes later, as I walked back along the trail I came in on, I came across the said female elk. After a couple of photos, at a distance, I walked back and came in through another track. I didn't know why the guide had warned his group, but I wasn't interested in finding out.

I spent the afternoon wandering through cute little Jasper and enjoying a much-needed lemonade.

Today's spending: Lemonade: $1.50; Sunscreen: $2.50; Food and drinks for housewarming party: $15: Total: $19

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